27 Nov

I wanted my first article to you on this blog to be something lighthearted. There is so much to say about myself but I am confident that as I continue to share my travel journey and experiences with you, you will come to understand my full story.

Today, I sat in an early morning train to work. As I watched the scenery as the journey unfolded, I heard the ticket controller being asked by a couple who were on their way to the airport for their first ever international travel, how to navigate their way from the drop off point in Franfurt to their departure terminals. I know to many this is a usual question but to me, it was a reminder of the first time i boarded a plane to travel to this country I now call home. It was also my first ever international journey and my first time on a flight.

I remembered crying when the plane took off, not because I was or would miss my family so much. At that moment it had not yet dawned on me how my life was about to change. It was more so the excitement and anxiety of the journey ahead, the insecurities of how I would navigate my way successfully to my destination and the worries of the unkowns that awaited me.

Today, as I reflected back, I shared the sentiments of this couple embarking on their first international travel. Upon alighting the train, I faced them and said "Gute Reise" in german which means have a good trip. The appreciation and smiles that returned back to me made my day. 

Have we not all been there? The first time we did something and surely you remember how you felt then.

Today, I can say for sure that I have mastered the art of travelling but it took me quite sometime to get here. 

Starting this blog is also a new beginning full of so many insecurities and unkown. I am not sure what the future holds, but I am certain that I am now ready to share with you the tricks of the game i have learned.

In one of the subsequent articles, I will share more about travel anxeity. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey and until the next one...

Love and Peace


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